
Tips for health and fitness

Year after year, people vow to exercise more, lose weight and eat better in the New Year. But just as regularly, most of them give up on their resolutions after a couple of months.

health and fitness.

Why not support your team in meeting their health and fitness goals? After all, your company’s success depends on the well-being of your employees. To get them started, offer the following tips.


1. be kind to yourself to increase your chances of success

Resolution is not an all-or-nothing proposition. If we sometimes stumble, we must forgive ourselves and start over.

Encourage employees not to blame themselves for those extra holiday indulgences. If they’re still recovering from their vacation trip, advise them to put off their usual strenuous workouts and gradually relax instead.

Treating yourself with kindness and compassion is a more effective motivator than giving in to negativity and shame. If your employees are having self-destructive thoughts, recommend counseling. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are a great resource, so you should consider offering them. Also, your extended health care plan can include several counseling sessions.


2. Eat nutritious foods to strengthen your foundation

Let’s be realistic. Most of us could improve our eating habits. If our diet is not nutritious, our health and fitness goals will inevitably be missed.

A healthy and wholesome diet.

Although weight loss is a common goal, improving our eating habits is not about fancy diets or starvation.

It’s about regularly eating whole, unprocessed foods in healthy portions. Give your team practical ideas. For example, homemade soups and stews are hearty and satisfying choices for the colder months.

Also include oily fish such as fresh salmon, trout, sardines and herring in your diet. These types of fish are very nutritious and are good sources of vitamin D, which most of us lack in winter.

For even more food inspiration, check out EatingWell’s 30-day Whole Food Challenge.


3. Make exercise fun to keep you motivated

Watch the kids run. They’re having fun! Watch adults exercise and it feels more like a chore than fun.

If your employees see exercise as a burden, they’re approaching the whole thing wrong.

What’s the trick? Choose the type of exercise that is enjoyable. To spark your team’s imagination, offer popular activities as examples:

  • Hike with friends.
  • Get off the bus one or two stops before your destination and walk the rest of the way
  • Cycling to work
  • Try Geocaching.
  • Take salsa, bellydance or swing dance classes.
  • Do yoga.
  • Go to an indoor climbing gym
  • Play outside with your kids (weather permitting).
  • Health and fitness activities

Start a workplace wellness program for group walks, fitness classes, fitness classes and other motivational offerings. Bonus: With a workplace wellness program, employees will get extra motivation from others who are working toward their own fitness goals.

The more we exercise, the better we feel. Why?

Vigorous aerobic exercise stimulates the body to release endorphins, which suppress pain and induce feelings of happiness and well-being in the body. Ultimately, endorphins promote a positive outlook on life.


4. Try Fitness Apps for Something Different

For the technology buffs among your employees, fitness apps can motivate them to move on. To get started, try the following:

PEAR – Personal Fitness Coach Personalized fitness coaching from a database of resources featuring Olympians and world champions.

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