
6 Easy Body Balance Exercises You Can Do at Home

Everyone agrees that exercise is important to maintain Body Balance fitness, to maintain ideal body weight. There are variety benefits of exercise, including to help you maintain a balanced body. So, what kind of exercise is useful as a balance exercise? Come on, see the following article to find the answer.

Various sports movements to train body balance

Although it looks trivial and easy, your body in fact really needs balance to do various activities even just for walking, you need balance.

According to Robbie Ann Darby, American Council on Exercise certified personal trainer from New York, as quoted from SELF, maintaining body balance is important to improve overall movement ability. As a result, this will keep the body fit during daily activities.

Therefore, try some of the following exercise movements that can help maintain body balance that you can do easily.

1. Standing tree pose for Body Balance

For starters, start with exercise movements that are easy enough for you to do first. One of basic yoga pose aims to strengthen the ankle muscles, while improving the balance function of the body.

You can do this movement on the floor, on a mat, or on an exercise mat. Here are the steps of the movement that you must follow.

  • Stand straight with your feet together and your hands outstretched.
  • Lift your right leg slowly, then attach it to the left side of the calf while maintaining body balance. You can also bend your knee until the sole of your foot touches the inner thigh of your left leg.
  • Next, lift your arms up like a tree branch or stick them together in front of your chest.
  • Hold this position for about 30 seconds, then alternate with your left leg.

2. Single leg deadlift

If you want to do a movement to train your body balance while strengthen the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, then the single leg deadlift can be the right choice. In fact, your abdominal muscles are also trained because their job is to help maintain balance.

As a variation, you can do this balance exercise using dumbbells or not. Here are the steps you can follow.

  • Stand with one foot position in front, while the other foot is pointing backwards without touching the floor.
  • The gaze is focused forward, while bending the body straight down slowly. Do the movement as if your hands are about to touch the floor.
  • Make sure your back is parallel to the floor. Keep the position of the foot in front to remain stable, because it serves as the fulcrum of the body.
  • Next lift the body back to its original position, while feeling the muscles of the hamstrings, buttocks, and stomach tighten.
  • Repeat this movement several times and change the position of the other leg that is in front.

3. BOSU ball squats

Squats can train the strength of the core muscles and leg muscles as the main focus of your body. In addition, this movement also has benefits for tightening the front thigh muscles.

To train your body’s balance, you can do this movement on a BOSU (Both Sides Up) ball, which is a semi-circular ball made of rubber. The BOSU ball will involve all the muscles of the body when doing squats.

The steps for doing squats with the help of a BOSU ball are as follows.

  • Stand with your feet to the side, as if holding a BOSU ball.
  • Slowly move up onto the BOSU ball with your feet together and your body upright while maintaining your balance so you don’t fall.
  • Start squatting slowly, as you would a regular squat .
  • You can place your hands in front of your chest or straighten them in front of you to maintain balance.
  • Repeat squat about 8-10 times.

4. Standing crunch with under-the-leg clap

Maintaining balance using only one leg is already difficult, especially if you add movements that can be a challenge in itself. One thing that can be done is to add a little variation in hand movements, whether using light weights or not.

To train your body balance while standing on one leg, you can follow the following movements.

  • Stand with your right leg raised up. Make sure your thighs are parallel to the floor and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle.
  • For starters, raise your hands above your head while forming a triangle.
  • After that, do the movement of the hands down to clap on the bottom of the thighs of the feet.
  • Repeat the movement of both hands up and down up to 8-10 times, then change the position of the legs so that the balance on both your feet is increasingly trained.

5. T-stand with hinge and side bend

Not much different from before, you only need to change the movement of the hand. When doing this balance exercise, the leg muscles will be trained to maintain body balance, while the movement of the arms is in charge of helping balance it.

This movement is quite challenging for you to do, here are the steps.

  • Stand with your right leg raised up to form a 90-degree angle, then stretch your arms straight out to the sides of your body.
  • Start the movement with your right hand touching the heel of your raised right foot. At the same time, the position of the left hand is straight up.
  • Return your hand to its original position, then continue the position of the right hand that had touched the sole of the foot by touching the knee of the left leg as a support.
  • When doing the previous hand movement, lean forward with your gaze straight. Also straighten your right leg back to maintain balance.
  • Repeat this movement 8-10 times, then do it on the other side.

6. Plank with flying plane arms

Finally, you can use a variety of movements to train other balances with the body face down and resting on one hand. Variation Plank movements as a strength exercise will initially feel difficult because the hands must support the body weight.

However, it is through this movement that the strength of your body’s balance will be trained. Here are the steps you have to do.

  • Do the initial plank same as when you are going to do push ups.
  • Raise your right hand, then move it straight forward and to the side of the body alternately. After that, return to the original hand position.
  • Repeat this movement about 8-12 times on one hand, then alternate on the opposite hand.
  • If you want an easier movement, spread your legs wide apart. But if you want the movement to be more challenging, you can put your feet together to train your body balance better.

Anyone can feel the benefits of the exercise, especially for the elderly to avoid the risk of falling, prevent loss of muscle mass, to build body strength.

In addition to going through the various movements above, you can also do other alternative exercises, namely tai chi. The journal Age and Aging states that regular tai chi exercises can improve balance control in the elderly, especially those with poor eyesight.

It’s good to do this exercise according to the condition of your body. Therefore, it is important to always consult your doctor or instructor first before starting to do balance exercises.

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